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User Posts: nova

One of the great attractions of large language models (LLMs) is that they encode information about the real world. But the world is constantly changing, and ...

It’s fair for Thomas Hoe to describe his career path as “super nonlinear”. After all, his career trajectory has veered from prize-winning video gamer ...

A central task of natural-language-understanding systems, like the ones that power Alexa, is domain classification, or determining the general subject of a ...

If you’re in a room where a child has just fallen asleep, and someone else walks in, you might start speaking in a whisper, to indicate that you’re trying ...

Last week, Amazon announced the release of both a redesigned Echo Show with a bigger screen and the Alexa Presentation Language, which enables third-party ...

On September 20, Amazon unveiled a host of new products and features, including Alexa Guard, a smart-home feature available on select Echo devices later ...

Microphone arrays like the ones in Echo devices are being widely investigated as a way to enable sound source localization. Sound reaches the separate ...

At the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), Amazon researchers and their colleagues at the University of Sheffield ...

This year, we’ve started to explore ways to make it easier for customers to find and engage with Alexa skills.One way we’re doing this is with a machine ...

When people speak, they use different speaking styles depending on context. A TV newscaster, for example, will use a very different style when conveying the ...

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